Remote spirometry patient monitoring
How to remotely monitor your patients using a bluetooth connected spirometer in real time
During a Video Call consultation, you have the option to remotely monitor a patient using a connected spirometry device, in real time. This allows a clinician to assess a patient's respiratory health. Once you launch the Patient Monitoring Device application and instruct your patient to connect their bluetooth enabled monitoring device to the Video Call, you will see the results live in the call screen. You have the option to take a screenshot for the patient's record and you can export the data, if desired.
Spirometry devices are currently being tested for integration into workflows for remote patient monitoring during a Video Call. The information on this page regarding turning on Bluetooth, supported browsers and operating systems, as well as how to connect the monitoring device during a video call will all apply to bluetooth Spirometry devices.
The device we are working on integrating is called Spirohome and we will have more information regarding using this device in a Video Call soon. The current testing is for use with cystic fibrosis and lung transplant patients to enable the patients to do personal spirometry testing at home. The intended purpose of the spirometer with the developed application is to measure lung air volume and airflow rate for pulmonary disease diagnosis and screening.
Click here to watch a Spirohome demonstration with Video Call.
Click here to view the Quick Reference Guide (QRG) for health service providers.
Sending the appointment information to patients
For staff sending out appointment information to patients
Staff sending the appointment information to patients who will be connecting a monitoring device during their Video Call, can use the following recommendations when sending the clinic link and supporting information. For patients using a Windows or Mac computer, you can send out the clinic link in the usual way and can add information letting them know they need to have their pulse oximeter ready. Click here for more information about sending the clinic link.
These recommendations below show how to send links to patients using iPhone/iPad (Bluefy browser link) or Android devices (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge), to ensure the patient is using a compatible browser for the call.
Instructions for iPhone and iPad (iOS) users:When sending the clinic link to patients, please be aware that some will be attending their appointment using an iOS device. They will need a special link to attend, that will prompt the Bluefy browser to open. This browser supports Bluetooth, which enables the connection to the medical device. This link is easy to create and you can then add to your invitation with clear patient instructions.
Your clinic link can be copied or you can send directly from the platform, using SMS or Email. |
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SMS or Email When you use this option, the clinic link is automatically added at the bottom of the SMS or Email. This image shows the default text for invitations (which can be edited to suit the clinic needs). |
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You can cover all device options by editing the default text and adding the specific link for iPhone/iPad users. This example shows suggested text for remote patient monitoring appointments, including Bluefy browser link for this clinic. The Bluefy browser allows the patient monitoring device to connect to the call using Bluetooth. The patient will need to install and use the free Bluefy browser app on their device. To create the Bluefy link, copy your usual clinic link and replace the 'https://' with 'bluefy://open?url='. Note that I have chosen the SMS option here, as this means attending the appointment is a simple click on their iPhone or iPad. |
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The usual clinic link will appear at the bottom of the received invitation. Example Bluefy information and link are shown in this example. Patients can then click on the relevant link that suits their device. This removes the need to copy and paste the link into the Bluefy browser on iPhone or iPad, which some patients may find challenging. |
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Some patients may prefer to use the WebBLE Browser on their iPhone or iPad - however Bluefy provides a better user experience and is free to download. This example shows suggested text for remote patient monitoring appointments, if requiring the WebBLE clinic link. To create the WebBLE link, copy your usual clinic link and replace the 'https' with 'webble'. Note that I have chosen the SMS option here, as this means attending the appointment is a simple click on their smart phone. Please note: the patient will need to install and use the WebBLE browser on their device. This app costs $2.99. |
Suggested text in Send SMS function
An example of the SMS received by the patient
Instructions for Android users:When sending the clinic link to patients, please be aware that some will be attending their appointment using an Android device. They will need to use the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser to attend their appointment - so you can let them know this when you send out the appointment information. |
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SMS or Email When you use this option, the clinic link is automatically added at the bottom of the SMS or Email. This image shows the default text for invitations which you can edit to give more specific instructions, if desired. |
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Information for patients
Quick reference guides for patients
Quick reference guides for patients connecting a Spirometer to their Video Call:
Quick reference guides for patients (please click on the link for the device or computer you are using):
Supported operating systems and browsers
Device Type | Operating System minimum requirements | Browser minimum requirements |
Internet Bandwidth Requirements (All device types) |
Windows computer | Microsoft Windows 10 |
Google Chrome 108 Microsoft Edge 108
750kbps both upstream and downstream for a 2 participant call 1.5mbps both upstream and downstream for a 3 participant call
2.25mbps both upstream and downstream for a 4 participant call |
Mac (Apple) Computer | MacOS Big Sur |
Google Chrome 108 Microsoft Edge 108
Android tablet or smart phone | Android 10 |
Google Chrome 108 Microsoft Edge 108
Apple iPhone or iPad | iOS 15 | Bluefly 3.8.2+ WebBLE 1.6.0+ |
* The data usage for Video Call plus realtime monitoring is similar to watching a YouTube video, if you can do so with your internet connection, then you have enough bandwidth to participate in the Video Call consult.
Downloading and using the Bluefy browser - required for iOS devices
If using an iPhone or iPad (iOS device) for your video consultation that will include remote physiological monitoring, please download and use the Bluefy browser from the App Store. This browser is required on iOS devices so that the Bluetooth connection to the monitoring device will share the results into the consultation.
1. Go the App store and search for Bluefy. Click to install the app and provide your Apple ID password, when requested. The Bluefy browser allows your patient monitoring device to connect to your Video Call via Bluetooth. It is free and easy to use. |
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2. Your clinic will send you the link for your appointment. They should include a specific Bluefy link for your appointment - similar to the one shown in this example. | ![]() |
If a specific Bluefy link is not provided, press and hold on the link provided and select Copy, then open Bluefy browser and paste the link into the web address section of the browser. | ![]() |
Start your Video Call by clicking on the Start A Video Call button. For more information about starting a call as a patient, please click here . |
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Once the consultation begins your health service provider will give you instructions for sharing the results from your monitoring device (eg pulse oximeter) into the call. | ![]() |
Important information for mobile phone users: Changing your screen sleep behaviour
If you are using your smartphone to participate in a Video Call where remote patient monitoring will be included in the consultation, you will need to set the phone's sleep time to 5 minutes or more. This is because on a phone you have the ability to switch between the call screen, showing the other participant/s, and the results screen. If you are on the results screen your phone will go to sleep at the time you have set in your phone settings and this may be as short as 30 seconds, for example. If the phone goes to sleep the results will stop updating live in the Video Call.
For this reason, it is best practice to set the phone sleep time to 5 minutes or more before the consultation begins.
To do this:
On an Android device, go to Settings > Display > Screen timeout and set to 5 or 10 minutes for the duration of the Video Call. You can easily change the setting back at the end of the consultation.
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On an iPhone, go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock and set to 5 minutes or 'never' for the duration of the Video Call. You can easily change the setting back at the end of the consultation.
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