Introducing video telehealth to your Aged Care service
Considerations for setting up video telehealth in your residential facility
Introducing healthdirect Video Call in your Aged Care Service
Video telehealth can improve access to health services for your residents. Thoughtful implementation will ensure that your facility gets the most benefit and it is worth spending some time planning how to integrate telehealth consultations into your service.
Video consultations can facilitate appointments with GPs, specialists and Allied Health professionals. It can be used for appointments with single health service providers or can include multiple parties in one call, co-ordinating care. Family members, interpreters and social workers can be included in appointments, even if the clinician is visiting the facility face-to-face.
RACH Readiness Assessment
Our readiness assessment will help you identify areas you may need to consider to ensure your facility is ready to start providing video telehealth.
RACH Planning check list
You can step through the checklist in our downloadable RACF planning template and allocate planning tasks to staff members, as required. You can also edit the template to suit your service's specific needs.
Aged Care workflow animation
Our aged care workflow animation is designed to show you the workflow options possible with healthdirect Video Call, when you have your own clinic set up for your aged care home. The service is flexible with regard to how you set it up and use it for resident health consultations, assessments and any other video calls that would be beneficial for residents' health.