Patient appointment flyer with QR Code - NSW
Generate appointment flyers for your patients in English and translated languages
The Video Call patient appointment flyer makes it easy for you to send patients and clients the information they need to participate in a Video Call consultation, including the clinic link and QR code for access to the clinic waiting area. The generated appointment flyer includes the name of the clinic, the clinic link for patients and a QR Code, as well as easy to understand browser, internet and device information.
Simply fill in the details in the boxes and these details will be added to the editable fields in the generated patient appointment flyer:
- Enter Clinic Name: Enter the name of your clinic so your patients know which health service they have an appointment with.
- Enter Clinic Link: Add the clinic link for your patients to copy and paste into their browser and to also generate your clinic link QR Code
- Enter More Information: If you would like to add more information for your patients/clients, fill in this section and the text will be added at the bottom left of the flyer. This field is optional.
- Choose Language: Choose from the available list of languages. We will add more translated languages as they become available.
To generate your patient appoint flyer please select Flyer Generator below, fill in the details and then click on Download/Print Flyer.
Healthdirect Video Call has also developed a QR Code generator to make it easier for your patients/clients to access your clinic waiting area on a mobile device. You can use this if you prefer to generate your clinic link QR code and send to patients without using the Patient appointment flyer on this page.